We invite you to join as patrons in support of Forum Dance Theatre. Your tax-deductible donation helps the Company meet its goals and accomplish its mission to serve as a catalyst for young, aspiring artists to envision, expand, and collaborate on dance works which challenge the artistic depth and creativity involved in contemporary dance. Artists and collaborators achieve this through intense physical training and creative exploration of new vocabularies while maintaining traditional classical technique.
Please make your gift and join the Forum Dance Theatre family today. Your contribution will help with the success of our thriving dance company. Thank you for your support.
Forum Dance Theatre is a sec. 501(c)(3) charitable organization under the Internal Revenue Code. Donations may be tax-deductible. |
Fouet·té noun [fwe-ˈtā]
a quick whipping movement of the raised leg in ballet usually accompanying a pirouette ($20 to $99)
Ovation noun [oh-vey-shuhn] ($100 to $299)
an enthusiastic public reception of a person, marked especially by loud and prolonged applause.
Relevé noun /ʁəl(ə)ve ($300 to $499)
a position in which the dancer rises from any position to balance on one or both feet on at least demi-pointe, or possibly full pointe
Unity noun [yoo-ni-tee] ($500 to $749)
the state of being one; oneness; combined into one, as of the parts of a whole
Musicality noun \myü-zi-ˈka-lə-tē\ ($750 and above)
the ability of a dancer to move responsibly to music
a quick whipping movement of the raised leg in ballet usually accompanying a pirouette ($20 to $99)
Ovation noun [oh-vey-shuhn] ($100 to $299)
an enthusiastic public reception of a person, marked especially by loud and prolonged applause.
Relevé noun /ʁəl(ə)ve ($300 to $499)
a position in which the dancer rises from any position to balance on one or both feet on at least demi-pointe, or possibly full pointe
Unity noun [yoo-ni-tee] ($500 to $749)
the state of being one; oneness; combined into one, as of the parts of a whole
Musicality noun \myü-zi-ˈka-lə-tē\ ($750 and above)
the ability of a dancer to move responsibly to music